Video Analytics for Healthcare

Enhance Hospital Security & Operational Efficiency

Enhance Hospital Situational Awareness
with 2024 M1!

Discover unprecedented insights across all campus locations with BriefCam Nexus. Centralized alert management and aggregated business intelligence will amplify situational awareness and drive data-driven decision-making for every satellite campus from one convenient hub.

Healthcare facilities bear the responsibility of upholding high standards of physical safety in addition to the medical support they provide to patients and families who are at their most vulnerable. While campuses and clinics are often monitored using video surveillance, healthcare organizations are maximizing these investments with strategic video analytics deployments. BriefCam Video Analytics empowers hospitals and healthcare facilities to increase operational efficiencies, regulatory compliance, and patient care to effectively combat challenges like drug diversion, infant abduction, and patient elopement.  

Holistic, intelligent video solutions facilitate data-driven decision making that prevents crimes, meets critical business objectives, and safeguards the well-being of patients, visitors, and healthcare professionals alike.  

Video Analytics
Drive Efficient Operations

Proactively ensure pathways to emergency treatment are clear and discover popular navigation paths, dwell locations, and entrance trends of patients, visitors, and staff.

video security
Attain Situational Awareness

Trigger real-time, rule-based alerts for suspicious behavior, security threats, and emergencies, such as of highrisk patient elopement, infant abduction, drug diversion, and more.

Enhance Regulatory Compliance

Promote patient safety and emergency preparedness, monitor and prevent unauthorized access, and enable effective incident investigation and documentation to increase compliance with HIPAA and other patient privacy regulations.

Free Online Assessment
Transform your video into valuable business insights
See how video analytics solutions can help you solve business, operations, and security challenges.

Meeting Evolving Healthcare Standards

BriefCam’s robust suite of video analytic solutions can flexibly adapt as the needs of private hospitals and public health institutions expand and evolve. By delivering quantifiable data, hospitals and healthcare facilities can track trends over time, empowering optimized traffic flows and increased situational awareness for delivering the highest standards of safety and operational performance.

Want To Learn More?

For more information on how BriefCam can help hospitals achieve a faster time to target or create new economic opportunities, contact us to arrange a demonstration.