Video Surveillance & Physical Security Industry Viewpoints
May 30th, 2024
Author: Lizzi Goldmeier

Analytics Insights: What is the lingering impact of COVID-19 on the physical security industry?

Originally published on Source Security.

Especially for video surveillance solutions, the COVID pandemic marked a significant turning point in the physical security industry. At the beginning of the decade, organizations were increasing public safety by leveraging video technology for safety and security use cases, forensic investigation, and real-time incident intervention in facilities, on campuses, and in cities. When the Pandemic hit, the emphasis notably shifted from physical safety to public health: The responsibility of protecting public spaces and their visitors became weightier with the added pressure of enforcing public health standards and – in some areas – legal mandates regarding contact tracing, social distancing, mask wearing, and more.

Decision makers suddenly were forced to maximize their existing technology stack and consider how to achieve new critical goals with existing solutions in an efficient and cost-effective way. Though technology providers have long touted the benefits of their solutions beyond safety and security, organizations became immediately receptive to exploring how past technology investments could be leveraged for mandate compliance, staff and visitor health and safety, and business continuity.

As such, the COVID pandemic sparked a revolution in physical security solutions, accelerating the adoption and application of the security tech stack beyond physical security and public safety: Today, decision makers appreciate that technology adopted by one business unit can be leveraged for measurable impact across their organization. And now, more than ever before, companies and communities of all sizes are exploring “security technology” applications for operational efficiency, logistical coordination, workforce optimization, and even customer experience enhancement.

Are you ready to drive organizational impact for your entire organization?


About the Author
Lizzi Goldmeier is the Director of Marketing at BriefCam, the provider of video analytics solutions that enable people, communities, and companies of any size to unlock the value of video surveillance content. At BriefCam, Lizzi is responsible for driving cross-channel brand, digital, and marcomm strategies. Previously, Lizzi was the Content & Community Manager at Zooz, a global payments platform, and she holds a BA & MA in English Literature from Bar Ilan University. Throughout her career, she’s written thought leadership about security, law enforcement, government, and defense; cross-border commerce and payments; as well as enterprise retail, hospitality, and healthcare.