Ask Me Anything Webinar:
Advanced Analytics for
Real-Time Crime Centers


Join us for an engaging and informative webinar discussing the role and implementation of advanced analytics in Real Time Crime Centers (RTCCs). In this session, we’ll explore how RTCCs are evolving modern-day policing and public safety, including how real-time data analysis enhances responsiveness and situational awareness.

Co-hosted by Captain Darin Hull of Cobb County Police Department, who oversees their Real Time Crime Center, Violent Crime Bureau, SWAT, Homeland Security, and Crime Analysis Unit, and BriefCam’s own advanced analytics for law enforcement expert, Tim Convery, formerly of the Middlesex County, Massachusetts Sheriff’s Office, this webinar will address burning questions about advanced analytics from law enforcement agencies around the world. Whether you’re thinking about implementing analytics tools or setting up a local real time crime center, this is your chance to ask your questions – and get answers.

Meet the Speakers

Cobb County Police Department

Chief VanHoozer began his law enforcement career with the Cobb County Police Department in February of 1990 as a uniform patrol officer at Precinct Three. He has since served in various capacities to include Field Training Officer, Patrol Sergeant and Lieutenant, Narcotics Sergeant and Lieutenant, Internal Affairs Lieutenant and Commander, Adjutant to the Chief of Police, Executive Officer to the Director of Public Safety, and Commander of Precincts 5, 3, and 2. Chief VanHoozer earned a Bachelor of Science in Public and Social Services/Criminal Justice from Kennesaw State University in 1998. He is also a graduate of the 233rd Session of the FBI National Academy. Stuart VanHoozer was appointed Chief of Police by the Cobb County Board of Commissioners on May 10, 2022.
Cobb County Police Department

Captain Darin Hull has served Cobb County Law Enforcement for over 21 years and currently oversees their Real Time Crime Center, Violent Crime Bureau, SWAT, Homeland Security, and Crime Analysis Unit. His extensive experience includes roles in Crimes Against Persons, Intelligence/Gang Unit, SWAT, Underwater Search & Recovery Team, Plainclothes Violent Crime Unit, DUI Task Force, and patrol. Captain Hull holds a master's in public administration from Jacksonville State University. He also serves as a Board Advisor for the National Real Time Crime Center Association (NRTCCA) and as Police Coordinator and Event Commander for the Atlanta Braves, managing public safety for all games, concerts, and events.
Advanced Analytics for Law Enforcement

Tim Convery is a graduate of Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts where he received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. While at Northeastern University his co-op job was working for Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office in Middlesex County MA. Upon graduation, he was sworn in as a Deputy Sheriff. During his law enforcement career, he held many duties and assignments, working under three different Sheriff’s. After retirement, Tim continued working in public safety. Over the past seven years he has been the Director of Law Enforcement at BriefCam covering the US. Tim has presented BriefCam to over 1,000 agencies and works closely with NRTCCA, FBINAA, FBI-LEEDA, Major Cities Chiefs and Sheriff’s, IACP, International Crime Analyst Association, IACP Tech, California Chiefs and Sheriff’s, NATIA, Noble, ROCIC, Women In Law Enforcement, National Sheriff’s Association, North American Jai and Corrections Association, and many State Chiefs Groups and FBINAA State Chapters. Tim’s articles and stories are frequently featured on LinkedIn.