What tools are available for developers?

The BriefCam Open API (BOA) is a unified REST API allowing developers to introduce BriefCam functionality into their own applications. The APIs allow for:

  • Returning a list of all VMS cameras available to the currently authenticated user
  • Creating, reading, updating and deleting cases
  • Retrieving the case objects and metadata
  • Exporting case report assets
  • Creating, reading, updating and deleting watchlists, watchlist identities, and the identities images
  • Matching either objects having a face or a watchlist against existing watchlists
  • Acquiring the system’s basic HealthCheck information response
  • Initiating video processing by selecting cameras and time ranges, and to query processing status.

BriefCam’s Video Integration API (API) is a generic HTTP RESTful request-based plug-in that enables third party integration with BriefCam solutions, including real-time (RSTP) video ingestion.

The BriefCam Respond Outbound API enables integration of BriefCam alerts into third party alerting infrastructure by issuing a generic RESTful call to the third-party alerting custom endpoint with detailed information on the alerting event, a downloadable thumbnail, and a downloadable video clip.

The BrieCam Hub Outbound API is for customers with multi-site deployments who want to send alerts from the Hub to a third-party system. The Hub Outbound API includes all the data sent in a regular Outbound API (as described in the RESPOND Alerts Outbound API section above) – with some additions: All objects of a multi-object alert (count-based and proximity alerts) are sent and not just a single object (as in the RESPOND Alerts Outbound API). For each object, the alert data (such as the event time) and the thumbnail URL are included. NOTE: This feature requires a dedicated license.

BriefCam’s System Events API can send a message to a webhook provided by the user whenever a new event is registered in the BriefCam Administrator Console. This message includes the severity of the system event, the type of system event, the time that the system event occurred, and a description of the system event including camera name, camera ID, camera external ID, and error.