BriefCam v5 Revolutionizes How Enterprises and Law Enforcement Agencies Transform Video into Actionable Intelligence
BOSTON, April 3, 2018 — BriefCam®, the industry’s leading provider of VIDEO SYNOPSIS® and Deep Learning solutions, today announced v5 of its breakthrough video content analytics platform. BriefCam’s platform is built on a unique fusion of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies spawning new and innovative opportunities to turn video footage into an essential […]
Boston, MA, — BriefCam, the industry’s leading provider of the VIDEO SYNOPSIS and Deep Learning solutions, announced today that its exponential growth is expected to continue in 2018 and beyond. The company achieved 100 percent revenue growth in 2017, added 119 new customers to its marquee list of leading law enforcement agencies and major enterprises, […]
Boston, MA, — BriefCam®, the industry’s leading provider of VIDEO SYNOPSIS® solutions for rapid video review and search, real-time alerting, and quantitative video insights, today announced that IndigoVision has incorporated BriefCam’s award-winning technology as part of its Control Center v15.0 security management solution. BriefCam’s Syndex® products enable organizations to review hours of video in minutes, […]
Boston, MA, September 19, 2017 — BriefCam®, the industry’s leading provider of VIDEO SYNOPSIS® solutions for rapid video review and search, real-time alerting, and quantitative video insights, today announced that it’s a part of the newly launched NVIDIA Metropolis Software Partner Program. The program offers a curated list of applications that make it easy for systems […]
Boston, MA, Sept. 6, 2017 — BriefCam®, the industry’s leading provider of VIDEO SYNOPSIS® solutions for rapid video review and search, real-time alerting, and quantitative video insights, today announced that it has signed a reseller agreement with Canon Marketing Japan (TYO: 8060). BriefCam’s award-winning Syndex products are deployed in over 40 countries and utilized by […]
MODI’IN TECHNOLOGY PARK, Israel, July 10, 2017 — BriefCam®, the industry’s leading provider of VIDEO SYNOPSIS® solutions for rapid video review, search, and analysis, today announced new executive leadership by naming Trevor Matz as President and CEO. Matz succeeds Dror Irani, who has served as BriefCam’s President and CEO since 2010. Irani spearheaded the company’s transition […]
LOS ANGELES, June 5, 2017 — Arecont Vision®, the industry leader in IP-based megapixel camera technology, has announced an expansion of the Technology Partner Program by adding BriefCam®, the VIDEO SYNOPSIS® Solution Company. BriefCam’s video analytics offering is available in the Arecont Vision MegaLab™ as part of the partnership in support of mutual customers. “A reliable […]
LAS VEGAS, ISC West, April 5, 2017 — BriefCam, today announced that it is showcasing its latest achievements in their VIDEO SYNOPSIS solution and advanced analytics at ISC West, Sands Expo Center, Las Vegas, NV, Booth #34093, April 5-7, 2017. Amit Gavish, BriefCam’s General Manager of Americas, said, “we’re excited to share the latest developments with […]
AUSTIN, Texas, Mar. 29,2017 — Salient Systems, a leading provider of enterprise level video management systems today announced their partnership with BriefCam® , the VIDEO SYNOPSIS solution company. With CompleteView VMS and Syndex Pro based on BriefCam’s VIDEO SYNOPSIS technology, customers see a significant reduction in the amount of time and resources required to view […]
MODI’IN TECHNOLOGY PARK, Israel, Nov. 16, 2016 — BriefCam®, the VIDEO SYNOPSIS® technology company, today announced the appointment of Jose Miguel García Fernandez to its Board of Directors. García is a proven entrepreneurial CEO and Angel investor with more than 30 years of business development experience worldwide. Most recently, García served as the CEO for Spanish telco […]
MODI’IN TECHNOLOGY PARK, Israel, Nov. 14, 2016 — BriefCam® the VIDEO SYNOPSIS® solution company, today announced the solution certification of its Syndex EP/EP+, version 4.0 and above, with Milestone Systems’ XProtect® video management software. This certification further strengthens the companies’ long-standing partnership, ensuring that current and new customers benefit from XProtect integrated VIDEO SYNOPSIS solutions […]
SCHAUMBURG, Illinois and WEST HARTFORD, Connecticut, Oct. 17, 2016 — Convergint Technologies, a worldwide leader in service-based systems integration, and BriefCam®, the VIDEO SYNOPSIS® company, today announced that Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA) has expanded its use of BriefCam Syndex®, doubling the amount of licenses to further increase security and operational productivity across the airport. Convergint […]
MODI’IN TECHNOLOGY PARK, Israel, Sept. 8, 2016 — BriefCam®, the VIDEO SYNOPSIS® technology company, today announced a technology integration partnership with Digifort. This partnership benefits the industry with the most advanced video search and review functionalities, enabling users to extract valuable data collected on their surveillance systems and achieve better security and operational management. “Digifort […]
MODI’IN TECHNOLOGY PARK, Israel, Sept. 8, 2016 /PR Newswire Israel/ — BriefCam and Digifort Announce Technology Partnership. Source: BriefCam and Digifort Announce Technology Partnership /PR Newswire Israel/
Rapid video review transforms raw video data into usable information BriefCam Syndex 3.1’s next-generation tracking engine offers users insight into metadata. BriefCam Syndex 3.1. The basic VIDEO SYNOPSIS® technology is refined by parameters such as color, direction, size, speed, and area of interest / exclusion. New features include refinement by path (shown), dwell-time, hierarchical ordering […]
Total Recall公司带领9大顶级技术供应商组成“梦之队”打造创新的IP视频解决方案,提升景区安全性和操作流程,以应对女神每年数以万计的访客 Total Recall公司(是一个总部设在纽约的安全技术供应商。其专门汇集了世界上最先进的9个技术供应商向最近翻修的自由女神国家纪念碑和自由女神雕像岛提供一个获奖的基于IP的数字视频监控系统。 该解决方案被美国公园警察,国家公园管理局(NPS)和内政部(DOI)采用以提高公共安全并改善运营。 该备受瞩目的项目已经获得2014年政府安全新闻颁发的国土安全之社会公共安全产品非凡成就奖(和2013年安防行业协会(SIA)颁发的青铜STE安全创新奖(。 自由女神像因桑迪飓风的破坏历经8个月的翻新和修理,于2013年7月4日美国独立重新向公众开放。作为翻新的一部分,Total Recall公司向美国公园警察,NPS和DOI提出一项无偿捐赠建议,包含设计,安装和维护一套国家最先进的监控系统。 美国公园警察,自由女神像区的指挥官上尉格雷戈里•诺曼说:“国家公园管理局和自由女神像国家纪念碑高度赞赏了这套由Total Recall公司捐赠的全面安防系统。” 基于IP的技术和创新的系统设计使其能够覆盖自由女神像岛的整个周边,以及公园的安检设施和从主大厅到自由女神像皇冠的所有393级台阶。该技术将用于园区每天针对游客安全性地监控,同时也帮助美国公园警察和NPS监控流量及扩大人员管理以确保人流的前行;协助渡轮服务运营;帮助家长找寻走散的小孩并有效地应对在岛上或雕像内部的任何紧急医疗状况。 Total Recall为自由女神像全新监控系统选取的合作伙伴是: Axis Communications 提供160台IP HDTV摄像头 BriefCam 提供其独特的视频摘要软件解决方案,使刑侦和安保人员仅用几分钟的时间就能浏览数小时的监控视频 DragonWave 提供多千兆位的微波无线电数据包 Milestone Systems 提供开放的IP视频管理软件平台 Pivot3 提供数字存储 Proxim Wireless提供此前系统无法达到的高容量、广域的无线宽带网络以连接IP摄像头 RGB Spectrum 为新的指挥中心提供大规模电视墙 Scallop Imaging 提供全景摄像头 Winsted Corporation为控制中心提供符合人体工程学设计的家具 目前监控的部署标志着纪念碑首次实现全数字监控系统的安装。得益于光纤和无线连接的组合,它使NPS能够覆盖岛上以前因为旧的模拟系统而无法覆盖的区域。 Total Recall公司于1999年为自由女神像和自由女神像岛设计和监管了最后一个主要的安全系统检修,并于2004年最新更新。 根据纽约港口管理局国家公园的数据,每年约有400万人参观自由女神国家纪念碑和埃利斯岛雕像。欲了解更多信息,请参阅。 媒体联络人: Rachel Neiman BriefCam +972 54 215 2653 Rachel Ren 贲睿(上海)软件技术有限公司 +86 21 31352278 […]
Total Recall Corp. assembled “Dream Team” of nine top technology providers to create innovative IP video solution to improve safety, security and operations for Lady Liberty’s millions of annual visitors SUFFERN, NY – March 4, 2014. Total Recall Corporation (, a video-centric security technology provider specializing in surveillance solutions, has brought together nine state-of-the-art technology […]
Visitors to MILIPOL 2013 will see BriefCam’s new VIDEO SYNOPSIS® tool for rapid, efficient video review that enables users to search and extract valuable information from video. Modi’in Technology Park, Israel, November 4, 2013 – BriefCam, the developer and provider of the VIDEO SYNOPSIS technology for the rapid review, analysis and indexing of video for […]
Visitors to CSPE will see BriefCam’s new Video Synopsis product for rapid and efficient video review that enables users to search and extract valuable information from video. Modi’in Technology Park, Israel, October 21, 2013 – BriefCam, the developer and provider of the VIDEO SYNOPSIS® technology for the rapid review, analysis and indexing of video for […]
CPSE的参观者将看到BriefCam的新视频摘要产品如何实现快速高效地录像查看,让用户能从视频中搜索并提取有价值的信息。 2013年10月21日 以色列Modi’in高科技园区– 以快速回顾、分析及录像索引实现决策支持、安防及安全的视频摘要解决方案开发者和提供商BriefCam ( ,将于2013中国深圳安博会(2013年10月29日至11月1日)开展之前公布下一代新产品BriefCam® Syndex,一套基于公司屡获殊荣技术的全系列产品。 CPSE的参观者将看到BriefCam Syndex的全新功能,它是基于视频摘要技术的下一代全系列产品。视频摘要是将发生在不同时间的对象、事件和活动同时展现出来。用户能将视频生成摘要并且选取感兴趣的事件,快速找到目标并采取必要的行动。 如今,除了提供一套强大的工具实现快速视频查看,BriefCam Syndex更增强了基本的视频摘要功能,让用户能够根据他们定义的参数:大小、颜色、速度、区域和方向进一步搜索视频。所有参数都在用户的控制中。 独特的“与这个类似”功能让用户在不确定查找对象的情况下(“看到了我就知道了”),能够搜索视频。 就像所有优秀的搜索引擎一样,BriefCam Syndex将视频摘要结果按照可能性进行排序 – 根据它们与搜索条件的吻合度从最高到最低 – 确保将最相关的感兴趣事件最先呈现。 BriefCam Syndex视频摘要能够作为一个独立的产品,或集成/嵌入VMS环境作为其一部分。 BriefCam的CEO及总裁Dror Irani说:“录像包含潜在的有价值的数据,到目前为止,由于现有的录像查看工具不切实际,绝大多数的录像还未被查看,最终被弃置一旁。既然你的摄像头和录制设备都已经到位,为什么不利用呢?我们的最终目标是帮助把看似‘无用’的视频转换成有用的信息,支持更好的决策和更快的行动。” BriefCam Syndex产品面向一系列的用户组及行业市场: BriefCam Syndex FS使执法和安全官员以及其他负责查看和调查海量视频文件的人员能在短短几分钟内查看数小时的录像内容。 BriefCam Syndex FS+ 用于执法和/或安全人员团队:多个用户以事后调查为目的,负责查看海量视频文件,适用于个人、团队或协同工作 BriefCam Syndex EP 是中小规模企业的理想选择。基于企业已经安装VMS(视频管理系统)环境并连接不多于200个摄像头及拥有一个从事事后和/或实时视频查看的小型调查团队。 BriefCam Syndex EP+ 是一个可扩展的解决方案,旨在用于超过100多个摄像头的大型项目,能够支持无限数量的摄像头和调查人员。 与所有BriefCam产品一样,BriefCam Syndex强调易用性,结合用户的经验、智慧和直觉,将其作为搜索和查看过程中一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。大脑和眼睛一直在互动中。 “BriefCam产品自2010年中正式销售以来已经在中国及全球刑侦执法和调查部门广泛使用”Irani继续说道:“源于我们在那段时期获取的丰富经验,BriefCam Syndex产品线是我们努力迎合用户需求而向前迈进的一大步。” BriefCam将于2013年10月29至11月1日在中国深圳会展中心举办的 CPSE安博会上发布BriefCam Syndex系列产品。如需预约会议,请详见以下联系方式。 –结束– 关于BriefCam BriefCam®, Ltd是视频摘要的开发者和提供商。视频摘要是一项屡获殊荣的技术,将数小时的事件浓缩成一个仅用几分钟浏览的“摘要”。可以支持从平台直接获取视频流或者查看存档的录像文件。BriefCam产品与广泛的DVR/NVR设备、高级IP摄像头衔接,并补充现有的监控解决方案。公司的使命是实现安防录相的总视频回顾。BriefCam荣获2013年SIA视频分析新产品展示冠军、2012年以色列HLS技术创新奖、2011年ASIS监控系统荣誉奖、2010年IFSEC最佳闭路电视系统的安全行业奖、2010年华尔街日报物理安全及其他类技术创新奖及其他许多奖项和荣誉。BriefCam成立于2007年12月,总部位于以色列Modi’in,在中国上海和美国康涅狄格州设有销售分公司。更多详情。公司及产品信息更新: 。预览视频: 联系方式: 贲睿(上海)软件技术有限公司 黄浦区福州路318号腾飞大厦310B室 中国上海, […]